Highlighted excerpts from Rethinking Madness by Paris Williams (2012).
Note: I am in the process of cataloguing the page references and numbered citations. I hope my rushed highlight annotations are not too intrusive.
Given that this was written in 2012, it's appalling to know that absolutely nothing has changed since, this research quite evidently having been entirely ignored by the public and by the academic world itself, let alone the system (although the latter could be expected). 680 million dollars yearly of psychopharmacological company lobbying in the interim may have seen to that, and the fact that its detractors are by now emotionally invested in their hypothesis. It would be very embarrassing were their position not correct, and they would have to do some quite long-term re-evaluations of their historical choices. They would also then be quite liable to be heavily set upon by legal compensation cases raises by disgruntled and abused psychiatric patients and perhaps their families, if not subject to official criminal prosecution also (or at least the loss of their jobs and profession).
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