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Psychiatry, Psychology & Mental Health Reading List

Coercion as Cure: A Critical History of Psychiatry – Thomas Szasz

The Therapeutic State – Thomas Szasz

Psychiatry: The Science of Lies – Thomas Szasz

The Myth of Mental Illness – Thomas Szasz

Anti-Freud – Thomas Szasz

Ideology and Insanity – Thomas Szasz

On the Heels of Ignorance: Psychiatry and the Politics of Not Knowing – Owen Whooley

Users and Abusers of Psychiatry: A Critical Look at Traditional Psychiatric Practice – Lucy Johnstone

Ideological and Political Bias in Psychology: Nature, Scope, and Solutions – Craig L. Frisby, Richard E. Redding, William T. O’Donohue, Scott O. Lilienfeld

Pseudoscience in Biological Psychiatry – Colin Ross, Alvin Pam

Doctoring the Mind: Why Psychiatric Treatments Fail – Richard P. Bentall

Blaming the Brain: The Truth about Drugs and Mental Health - Elliot S. Valenstein

The Gene Illusion: Genetic Research in Psychiatry and Psychology Under the Microscope – Jay Joseph

The Trouble with Twin Studies: A Reassessment of Twin Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences – Jay Joseph

The Missing Gene: Psychiatry, Heredity, and the Fruitless Search for Genes – Jay Joseph

Schizophrenia and Genetics: The End of An Illusion – Jay Joseph

Madness and Genetic Determinism: Is Mental Illness in Our Genes? – Patrick D. Hahn

Toxic Psychiatry: Why Therapy, Empathy, and Love Must Replace the Drugs, Electroshock, and Biochemical Theories of the New Psychiatry – Peter Breggin

Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex, Second Edition – Peter Breggin

Medication Madness: A Scientist Exposes the Dangers Of Mood-Altering Medications – Peter Breggin

Medication Madness: The Role of Psychiatric Drugs in Cases of Violence, Suicide, and Crime – Peter Breggin

Your Drug May Be Your Problem: How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Medication – Peter Breggin, David Cohen

Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill – Robert Whitaker

Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America - Robert Whitaker

Psychiatry Under the Influence: Institutional Corruption, Social Injury, and Prescriptions for Reform - Robert Whitaker, Lisa Cosgrove

Trauma and Madness in Mental Health Services – Nöel Hunter

The Myth of the Chemical Cure: A Critique of Psychiatric Drug Treatment - Joanna Moncrieff

The Bitterest Pills: The Troubling Story of Antipsychotic Drugs – Joanna Moncrieff

Psychiatric Drugs: The Truth about How They Work and How to Come Off Them - Joanna Moncrieff

De-Medicalizing Misery: Psychiatry, Psychology, and the Human Condition – Joanna Moncrieff, Mark Rapley, Jacqui Dillon

Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare - Peter Gøtzsche

The Book of Woe: the DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry - Garry Greenberg

The Emperor’s New Drugs: Exploding the Antidepressant Myth – Irving Kirsch

Bad Pharma: How Medicine is Broken and How We Can Fix it – Ben Goldacre

Let Them Eat Prozac: The Unhealthy Relationship Between the Pharmaceutical Industry and Depression – David Healy, Clarice Kestenbaum, Daniel Williams

Pharmageddon – David Healy

Cracked: Why Psychiatry is Doing More Harm Than Good – James Davies

The Sedated Society: The Causes and Harms of Our Psychiatric Drug Epidemic – James Davies

Sedated: How Modern Capitalism Created Our Mental Health Crisis – James Davies

Rethinking Risk Assessment: The MacArthur Study of Mental Disorder and Violence – John Monahan

And They Call It Help: The Psychiatric Policing of America’s Children – Louise Armstrong

Insane: America’s Criminal Treatment of Mental Illness – Alisa Roth


How to Become a Schizophrenic: The Case Against Biological Psychiatry – John Modrow

Rethinking Madness: Towards A Paradigm Shift in Our

Making Sense of Madness: Contesting the Meaning of Schizophrenia - Jim Geekie

Madness Explained: Psychosis and Human Nature – Richard P. Bentall

Reconstructing Schizophrenia - Richard P. Bentall

Where Thought Hesitates: Gregory Bateson and the Double-Bind - Tiziano Possamai

Beyond the Double-Bind: Communication and Family Systems, Theories and Techniques with Schizophrenics - Milton M. Berger

Schizophrenia: Its Origins and Need-Adapted Treatment - Yrjo O. Alanen

The Divided Self - R. D. Laing

Anti-Psychiatry - R. D. Laing

The Politics of Experience and The Bird of Paradise - R. D. Laing

Knots - R. D. Laing

Sanity, Madness, and the Family – R. D. Laing, A. Esterson

Schizophrenia as a Human Process - Harry Stack Sullivan

The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry - Harry Stack Sullivan

Personal Pathology: Early Formations - Harry Stack Sullivan

A Harry Stack Sullivan Case Seminar: Treatment of A Young Male Schizophrenic - Robert G. Kvarnes, Gloria H. Parloff

Understanding and Helping the Schizophrenic: A Guide for Family and Friends - Silvano Arieti

The Origin and Treatment of Schizophrenic Disorders - Theodore Lidz

Schizophrenia and the Family – Theodore Lidz, Stephen Fleck

Understanding and Treatment of Psychosis – Paris Williams

Schizophrenia: Innovations in Diagnosis and Treatment – Colin Ross

The Trauma Model – Colin Ross

Psychosis, Trauma, and Dissociation: Evolving Perspectives on Severe Psychopathology – Andrew Moskowitz, Martin J. Dorahy, Ingo Schäfer

Psychosis and Emotion: The Role of Emotions in Understanding Psychosis, Therapy, and Recovery - Andrew I. Gumley, Alf Gillham, Kathy Taylor, Matthias Schwannauer

Models of Madness: Psychological, Social, and Biological Approaches to Psychosis - John Read, Jacqui Dillon

Psychiatry Reconsidered: From Medical Treatment to Supportive Understanding – Hugh Middleton

A Prescription for Psychiatry: Why We Need a Whole New Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing – Peter Kinderman

A Straight-Talking Introduction to the Causes of Mental Health Problems, Revised Second Edition – John Read, Pete Sanders


The Body Never Lies – Alice Miller

Breaking Down the Wall of Silence – Alice Miller

Thou Shalt Not Be Aware – Alice Miller

Banished Knowledge – Alice Miller

Childhood Repressed: From the Abused Child to the Destructive Adult in the Silence of Society – Alice Miller

Letter to mom Medusa - César Tort

Hojas Susurrantes, Spanish Edition - César Tort

But They're So Nice: Unmasking Covert Abuse & Narcissistic People – Eleni Sagredos

Toxic Parents: Overcoming their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming your Life - Susan Forward

Healing the Adult Children of Narcissists: Essays on The Invisible War Zone – Shahida Arabi

It’s Just Your Imagination: Growing Up with A Narcissistic Mother – Revital Shiri-Horowtiz

Narcissistic Mothers and Covert Emotional Abuse: For Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents – Diana Macey

Narcissistic Mothers: How to Set Boundaries and Protect Yourself from Emotional Abuse, CPTSD, & Toxic Shame – Melanie Parker

Healing the Sons of Narcissistic Fathers: How to Deal with A Narcissist Father, and Healing to All the Adult Sons Who Are Still Dealing with The Aftermath of The Hidden Abuse – Mark Wilson

Narcissistic Fathers: The Problem with Being the Son or Daughter of a Narcissistic Parent, and How to Fix It, A Guide for Healing and Recovery After Hidden Abuse – Theresa J. Covert

Growing Up as The Scapegoat to Narcissistic Parents: A Guide to Healing – Jay Reid

Scapegoat: From the Shadows of Narcissistic Parenting, Discovering the Patterns of Scapegoating in Families, and Charting a Course to Emotional Healing – Helmine Steinmann

Breaking the Loop: Personal Growth for the Scapegoat Beyond the Narcissistic Family System – Florentyna Domanski

Family Scapegoats: A Hidden Epidemic – Patricia Jones

Scapegoating in Families: Intergenerational Patterns of Physical and Emotional Abuse – Vimala Pillari

Prepared to be Tortured: The Price You Will Pay for Being the Family Scapegoat – A. B. Jamieson

Rejected, Shamed & Blamed: Help and Hope for Adults in the Family Scapegoat Role – Rebecca C. Mandeville

The Inconsequential Child: Overcoming Emotional Neglect – Anthony Martino

Counseling Survivors of Religious Abuse – Paula J. Swindle, Craig Cashwell, Jodi L. Tangen


The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma – Bessel van der Kolk

Psychological Trauma - Bessel van der Kolk

Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society - Bessel van der Kolk, Alexander C. McFarlane, Lars Weisaeth


Secret Shame: A Survivor’s Guide to Understanding Male Sexual Abuse and Male Sexual Development – Douglas W. Carpenter

Male on Male Rape: The Hidden Toll of Stigma and Shame – Michael Scarce

The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatization – Onno van der Hart, Kathy Steele, Ellert R. S. Nijelhuis

Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists - Onno van der Hart, Kathy Steele, Suzette Boon

Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Internal Self-Alienation – Janina Fisher

Banishing Night Terrors and Nightmares – Christopher Carranza

Trauma & Dreams – Deidre Barnett

Delivering CBT for Insomnia in Psychosis: A Clinical Guide – Flavie Waters, Melissa J. Ree, Vivian Chiu

Treating Post-Trauma Nightmares: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach – Joanne L. Davis


The History of Childhood – Lloyd deMause

Foundations of Psychohistory – Lloyd deMause

The New Psychohistory - Lloyd deMause

The Emotional Life of Nations – Lloyd deMause

Childhood and History in America – Glenn Davis

The Making of Them: The British Attitude to Children and the Boarding School System – Nick Duffell

Wounded Leaders: British Elitism and the Entitlement Illusion: A Psychohistory – Nick Duffell

Hardness of Heart, Hardness of Life: The Stain of Human Infanticide - Larry S. Milner


Hysteria: The Disturbing History – Andrew Scull

Madhouses, Mad-Doctors, and Madmen: The Social History of Psychiatry in the Victorian Era – Andrew Scull

A Dark Science: Women, Sexuality and Psychiatry in the Nineteenth Century – Jeffrey Masson

Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates – Erving Goffman

The Wild Child: The Unsolved Mystery of Kaspar Hauser – Jeffrey Masson

Wolf Children and The Wild Boy of Aveyron – Lucien Malson, Jean Itard

Wolf-Children and Feral Man – J. A. L. Singh


Empty Fortress: Infant Autism and the Birth of the Self – Bruno Bettelheim

Dialogues with Mothers – Bruno Bettelheim

Truants from Life: The Rehabilitation of Emotionally Disturbed Children – Bruno Bettelheim

Love Is Not Enough – Bruno Bettelheim

The Informed Heart: A Study of the Psychological Consequences of Living Under Extreme Fear and Terror – Bruno Bettelheim

Theories of Autism – R. Peter Hobson

Autism and The Development of Mind – R. Peter Hobson

The Cradle of Though: Exploring the Origins of Thinking – R. Peter Hobson


Final Analysis: The Making and Unmaking of a Psychoanalyst – Jeffrey Masson

Against Therapy: Emotional Tyranny and the Myth of Psychological Healing – Jeffrey Masson, Dorothy Rowe

The Assault on Truth: Freud’s Suppression of the Seduction Theory – Jeffrey Masson

Mind Games: Are We Obsessed with Therapy? – Robert A. Baker

In, Against, and Beyond Therapy: Critical Essays Towards a ‘Post-Professional’ Era – Richard House


The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist: Recognizing the Traits and

Gaslighting & Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: Recover from Emotional Abuse, Recognise Narcissists and Manipulators, and Break Free Once and For All – Don Barlow

30 Covert Emotional Manipulation Tactics: How Manipulators Take Control in Personal Relationships – Adelyn Birch

Was It Even Abuse?: Restoring Clarity after Covert Abuse – Emma Rose Byham

Co-Parenting with a Narcissist: A Life-Changing Guide to Set Boundaries, Protect Your Child from Parental Alienation, and Preserve Your Sanity – Melanie Parker

Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse – Shannon Thomas

Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence – Philip W. Cook

Abuse Of Men by Women: It Happens, It Hurts, And It's Time to Get Real About It – Ann Silvers

The Hidden Abuser: Learn to Recognize Subtle Abusive Behavior – Audrey Snowden

Finding Healing After Hidden Emotional and Psychological Abuse – Debbie Mirza

Ostracism: The Power of Silence – Kipling D. Williams

Ostracism, the True Narcissistic Abuse: A Personal View – Tarek El Sombati

Can’t Explain: A Frightening Tale of Parental Alienation Syndrome, a Father’s perspective – Luke Matthews, Julie Burkhardt

Where Did I Go Wrong? How Did I Miss the Signs? Dealing With Hostile Parenting and Parental Alienation – Joan Kloth-Zanard

You Are Not Alone: Surviving Parental Alienation, understanding the causes and the solution – Julia G. Tucci

101 Dirty Tricks in Secret Courts: Private Family Law – Stuart Hontree

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