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Schism: My Diaries & Letters, 2022-2024

Schism: My Diaries & Letters, 2022-2024

SKU: yevwq
On the 30th November, 2021, the lives of Benjamin Power and his family were turned upside down when a squad of Police from Britain's Counter-Terrorism unit raided their house and took Benjamin in for questioning. Released on bail shortly afterwards, the author was then subject to an almost two year investigation.

An avid diary keeper, this stoic journal chronicles Benjamin's thoughts and feelings for these gruelling years in a wry, candid manner. Blunt, honest, intellectual, and often darkly amusing, these controversial diaries display a world-weary, melancholic dissident spirit, from one exasperated man reflecting openly on his fraught society and on domestic life in a shattered family.

A selection of the author's personal letters to friends, family, and official acquaintances are also included in this standalone release, compiled to compliment the upcoming Second Edition of Benjamin Power's complicated polymathic psychobiography, The Less Than Jolly Heretic.

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